Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"I Can't Give Up"

Job 2:10, "But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall  we indeed accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips."

Ladies, don't ever take your power for granted nor the words that we allow to come out of our mouth. When we are going through and those who are close to us, we have to be ever so careful of being encouraging vessels that speak life in darkness. Women of God can't grow weary in doing well. The words we say are impacting and can shift the atmosphere in our homes, marriages, relationships, careers, ministries, etc...We all should strive to be the woman who can walk into a room and change the entire aura through our presence. In today's society, being foolish is as average as one eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. We are chosen vessels of God and it's time for us to take our righteous and rightful place in the environments that we dwell. When things get bad, our integrity has to remain good. We have to speak long-term and see things in faith value. In spite of everything we endure, we have to accept the good with the bad and speak light into darkness. Don't give up, God didn't give up on us!

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