Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Get Your Life"

1 Thessalonians 5:5, "But concerning the times and the seasons,brethren,you have no need that I should write to you."

Ladies, we don't have a single second to waste on determining if we're on the Lord's side. Times have changed and the seasons are coming so fast that we can't distinguish one from the other. God has given us sign after sign concerning the times and it's time for us to get our lives in order for the coming of the Lord. We don't have time like we used to have. Some things God is simply not going to tolerate and other things He simply won't repeat to us because there is no need. God laid the foundation for how we are to conduct ourselves as Women of God and it's far time that we start acting like it. God doesn't spend much time discussing children's conduct in the Bible because we are adults much longer than we are children. You nor I have any more excuses for not doing what we know in our hearts to be righteous. We can either get RIGHT or be LEFT! Get your life, so that you may have eternal life!

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