Thursday, February 21, 2013

"You Don't Know Me Like That"

John 12:7, "But Jesus said,"Let her alone;she has kept this for the day of My burial."

Ladies, as long as you have breath in your body, your critics will always find fault with your faith, the way you live your life and the things you do to be of service to others. Don't ever allow the enemy to disservice you, always be a disservice to your adversary. I have learned along this journey that often times people who truly don't know you will judge your success without understanding your struggle. It is quite normal for you to want to defend your name and protect your character, but some battles are not worth the war that they create. It's always best to turn them into the Hands of God for further wrath. God may not speak when we feel He should speak, but He will handle those accordingly who speak against us. When you live a life of integrity, your character will speak well towards those who speak bad against you! If we allow folks to have the last word, Jesus will be more than happy to have the last word because He is the Word! Don't get frustrated, He knows who is messing with you and He has the perfect message for their mess! He will not only tell them, He will assist them in taking the several seats that they are afforded. Stay focused, you are still more than a conqueror and you can do all things through Christ-not Critics who strengthens you!

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